Brea Backyard Boutique 2021 is in the books

What a week and what a day!!!!!


Beginning on Wednesday, we worked around the clock to prepare for this show.  We set up our tent Friday night.  Yes, that was our date night.  Then, beginning at 6 AM Saturday morning, Nicole and Phyllis began filling the booth.   They finished just in time for the opening of the show.


It was a busy day.  We saw a lot of our usual customers.  It’s so good connecting with everyone  Since the show was outdoors, we were assigned a new location.  Many who came looking for us were expecting to see us in our old spot.  But luckily, they found us anyway.


Here are a couple of pictures of our tent.


Front of tent
Front of tent
Closeup of front of tent
Closeup of front of tent
Inside of tent
Inside of tent

At the end of the day, Elizabeth came out to encourage us.  That gave us our second wind.


All-in-all, it was a very good show.  We were reminded of why we go to shows, how social and how fun they are.  We’re looking forward to more shows during the year.


In July, we will be in Carlsbad for their show.  Keep checking the events tab to see information of the date , time and location.


See you soo!!!!



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