Carlsbad Village Faire Fall 2018

An amazing day in Carlsbad !!!!

We were busy the entire day.  We didn’t even have time to take any pictures of our booth.  From the minute we arrived at 6:15am ’till well after 5:00pm we were scrambling.

We sold out of many of our products.  Our mermaid products swam away in a splash.  The banners blew away in the wind.  And, our garlands grew roots onto customers and were taken to good homes.

Many customers come back again and again, a few customers more than three times.  They would buy something, leave and come back a while later to buy something else.  Seeing the products in our booth would give them ideas that took time to sprout. Then, they would come back to buy something else they saw. Something they could gift to someone else.

One lady came back to buy a mermaid gift for her daughter.  On her first visit, her daughter was with her.  So, she came back a few minutes later by herself. She didn’t want her daughter to find out about the gift.  It was to be her daughter’s Christmas gift.

We love seeing familiar faces and hearing about the past items they had purchased and who it was gifted to.

We’ll be back to Carlsbad in the Spring.  We hope to see all of you there again.

If you want to see us at our next show, we’ll be in Brea.

If you have requests for a particular product, please emails us using the Contact Us menu option at the top.  We’ll make every effort to to fulfill your request.

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