People who see the the products in our booth ask Nicole and her mom Phyllis, “Did you make all of this?”  The answer is always YES.  Nicole matches fabrics and mom sews.   They work together to come up with new and creative designs for their products.


Nicole will tell you that crafting put her through school.  She started when she was 17 by nicole_headshot_goodmaking T-shirts to sell.  She borrowed some money from her father and she was off.  When her father asked, “What if you don’t sell all of them?”  Her response was, “What do you mean?”  She graduated from Cal State Fullerton with degrees in Business and Art.  An interesting combination of disciplines that she has applied to her work here and her other job.  Nicole is a skilled product developer for a very large publicly traded company.  You’ve seen her work at your local grocery store.



Bilemjian WeddingPhyllis is a self-described farm girl.  Born and raised on a farm in Wisconsin, she learned to sew from her mother.  She has sewn clothes for herself, her children and others.  She taught sewing in the 4H program and even supported her daughters’ dress making competitions.  Nicole has the ribbons and trophies to prove it.  Phyllis is skilled in techniques far beyond sewing, ask her about wood working, and repurposing furniture.  She comes up with many clever designs that make it to the sale rack.  Crafters who won’t buy from other crafters will buy her work.  That’s the ultimate compliment.




Look for Nicole and Phyllis in the Jest for Fun Crafts booth at an event.  Talk to them both and you’ll learn why they love to craft.  Check for upcoming events


Recently, they’ve expanded to a design center where Nicole and Phyllis are working on new designs, new fabrics and new products.  In addition, mom wants to start teaching sewing again.

Jest For Fun Crafts Design Center
Jest For Fun Crafts Design Center

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