Making Pumpkins

A few weeks ago, while on vacation we started making pumpkins for our fall shows.  We sell quite a few of these pumpkns in Claremont and Carlsbad.  Often, we sell out.  If any have not sold or we were unable to take to a show, we put them up for sale on our web sites.

Nicole and Phyllis work together to cut materials.  Nicole matches up different fabrics for their texture, colors, patterns and styles

Nicole and Phyllis cutting material for fabric pumpkins
Nicole and Phyllis cutting material for fabric pumpkins

The next step is for Phyllis to sew panels together.  She loves to sew and has been sewing since she was a little girl. She’s also taught sewing to many kids.  Ultimately, she loves to sew fabric together.

Once the basic shape is sewn together, Nicole will begin to stuff each pumpkin.  We only use premium filling.

It takes a lot of filler to fill a pumpkin and to make it nice and firm.  We go through many 25lb boxes of filler each season.  There are several other steps to making a fabric pumpkin that I don’t have pictures of.


Even Elizabeth works to stuff pumpkins.  She loves being part of the action.


This is one of the things we do during our summer vacation.  We hope you love this crop of pumpkins.


See you this fall.









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